The Intention
Our intention is to cleanse your mind, body, and entire being to prepare you for your greatest Ayahuasca healing journey possible. It is not an easy task. We do not sit in hand circles and sing kumbaya and pretend to love everyone. We ride motorcycles into the mountains and spend time with the Indigenous Communities. Our ceremonies are natural, the way it has been done for thousands of years.
Have no fear. We will make the deep seem less dark. We will have tears, we will sweat, and we will probably get a little dirty. However, if you are willing to do the work, we will clear the negative baggage carried by all men and rebuild you into the warrior you are meant to be. When we are finished, I can assure you a newfound strength and a new brotherhood/sisterhood where love is earned and respected. My team and I will be on the same journey as you. We participate in the medicines together. One grows, we all grow into a circle of cosmic friends on this unique voyage called life.
Have no fear. We will make the deep seem less dark. We will have tears, we will sweat, and we will probably get a little dirty. However, if you are willing to do the work, we will clear the negative baggage carried by all men and rebuild you into the warrior you are meant to be. When we are finished, I can assure you a newfound strength and a new brotherhood/sisterhood where love is earned and respected. My team and I will be on the same journey as you. We participate in the medicines together. One grows, we all grow into a circle of cosmic friends on this unique voyage called life.