My experience at The Native Guides has been something that I look back on and carry lessons into my daily life, everyday, since I left. I’ve sat in over 100 ceremonies, some profound some not so much, and the biggest factors are who you’re with and who’s holding the space. Shawn and his team are the real deal. They walk the walk around the clock.
Shawn also prepares first time participants with an extreme level of attention and guidance. He brings so much strength and care that you wouldn’t think the two could fit in the same room. But they do. And he inspires and teaches us how to do that. He shows the tools, and how to use them. He even built us up as a group before we got there, and stays in touch after.
On top of that, for people with more experience, he’s a wealth of insight and knowledge. For me personally, my relationship with ayahuasca is largely centered around repairing and building my relationship with myself and those around me. The better that is, the better life is. The healthier I am, the better I perform, the better I can be for those I care about.
Shawn leads by example how to achieve this. He brings people in and shows them how to do it in their own life. Him, his team, and Taita Aristides hold extremely powerful healing ceremonies that are next level. I had to stand up for a while and watch with admiration how the entire team works fluidly and with ease and a surgeons hand throughout the ceremonies.
Attending my Native Guides retreat was an experience and a gift that I chose to give myself, and will definitely give to myself again in the future. To anyone considering giving this same experience to themselves, I highly recommend pulling the trigger and getting down to Colombia. If you put in the work for yourself down there, the rewards going to come back tenfold. Good luck and God speed.